03 June 2009

So today I get to work and Suzie informs me that a man was arrested at the club this afternoon. Apparently a woman who lives nearby called the police because her boyfriend was abusing her. When they showed up I guess he ran through the parking lot of the tennis club, entered the club nonchalantly, and sat on the patio watching people play tennis for like half an hour. Suzie had spoken with the policemen in the parking lot and they told her to keep an eye out for someone wearing a red baseball hat. Well this guy fit the description, so she called 911, they showed up, ran outside, and arrested him. And now I'm here alone. Well almost alone. It's me and two 70 year old men pretty much. One of whom is asleep in his apartment, while the other does crunches in the weight room. Dang. Last week there was nearly an all-out brawl, this week there was an arrest. What's going on?

And in Montana there's a shooter on the loose. The world is falling apart around me as my own world implodes with the pressure of finals starting on Monday. Gahh I can't take it!

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