09 September 2009

Blogger you've been good to me for the last 7 months, but honestly there's more going on over at Tumblr. Please don't take it personally.

By the way there's a sale at work...so if you need any tennis gear this is the place for you!

Other than that, it's been nice knowing you! I won't forget the time we've shared.

08 September 2009

Hokay so there's the agenda:

Saturday: The Status at The Cobalt in Canoga Park. Yeah, I'm excited, and yeah, Canoga Park...wayy out in the boondocks, meaning we'll get home late as heck. Which is perfect considering I have to be up at like...oh 5am the next day maybe?

Sunday: 8am flight from Long Beach to Bostonnn! First time to the East Coast woop! [pensacola florida does not count]

Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday: Exploring Boston on my own part of the time while my mom is in meetings Tuesday and with my mom when she's free.

: Flight in the late afternoon/early evening to New York City!

Thursday/Friday: Mild sightseeing in the city =) We don't plan on doing anything too extreme [i.e. statue of liberty] that would take too much time because we're only there for a couple days, but I think it'll be a nice little trip.

We fly home Saturday mid-morning. I have a feeling this will be quite the whirlwind of a trip!

06 September 2009

I really really love this movie.


I may have to watch it now. Or maybe Fight Club special features. It could really go either way...

05 September 2009

I'm not sleeping well lately. It's really messing with me because I'm habitually waking up around 10:30 or 11 which is a good 2 hours or so after I normally wake up. I think I need a new mattress. Or some really really really good sleeping pills. But I think a mattress is a better option than drugs.

I just wanna sleep darn it!

31 August 2009

Goodnight Sunrise - Leave the Ground

This video has finally seen the light of day. I edited it on a whim back at the beginning of July basically because I was bored. Didn't know if anything would ever come of it but editing makes me happy so there ya go. Dan was updating their Myspace today and voila...it is now on their page.

Check these guys out at myspace.com/goodnightsunrise.

That is all. =)

Not it's not...Dan has also been working really hard on getting these tour videos posted so you should watch those too:

And heyyy while I'm at it, go spend your money on their new EP, Stop, Drop, & Roll. The song in the live video compilation montage thing is on it as well as the songs in the tour videos. Well worth your money!

Okay, THAT is all.

26 August 2009

I also need to buy running shoes. Before the end of summer I want to go for a run on the peninsula in the morning.

I really need to get my butt in gear and finish my study abroad application...more specificaly, the essay. Hmph. It's so hard to write a paper in the middle of summer though!!

In other news, I'm completely obsessed with This Providence right now.

2.5 weeks until The Status is back! They're playing in Canoga Park on Saturday the 12th, then bright and early on Sunday I leave for Boston!