Oh, cool, I'll check out a live vid. Sounds like fun.

OH MY FREAKIN GOD WE MADE THAT LIVE VID! WHAAT?!? Yeah, I guess my spontaneous decision to @reply Brendan with the url to that video was a good idea. Usually I won't @reply people I don't know. I just think it's weird. But I know he does all the editing and videoage for Valencia and thought he might be interested to see that video. We messaged both vids to the band's myspace back when we uploaded them, but I doubt George even watched them. Anyways, I'm rambling. Long story short that basically doubled the views we had on Holiday in a matter of hours. On Friday we had about 150 views, and as of right now we have 531. Whoah. Brendan also posted a blog about the video and a bulletin. Wow. Oh and I just took a gander at the comments on Brendan's website post and they made me smile a little =]. OH! He put the video on his blog too. Wheee!
Laura and I both got a text from Shane [The Scenic, haha not Valencia] telling us that we're famous now. Yeah... pretty much we are famous now. It's official. =P
I feel I should include both Valencia videos. Because I love them.
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