Thursday, March 12:
It took us freaking 2 hours to get to Canoga park. We actually ended up getting there a little early though, and it was pretty much empty inside except for the bands. While one of the opening bands was playing Nate and Steve from Down for the Count walked in. Stalkers. We see them everywere. A little later Siah asked Laura if we drove from Palm Springs, so I get the feeling people are a little confused about where we live because we are at a lot of shows all over Southern California. We are just centrally located =]. GNSR was awesome! It was so good to see them again after such a long time. We didn't film very much at this show A] because the sound sucks and B] because we hadn't talked to anyone about what we were planning really so we felt weird just filming randomly. After the show we were talking to Sam a little bit and brought up Disneyland. He was freaking STOKED. Jud didn't even know about it really, but had heard something and didn't know if it was true or not. Basically everyone was excited. Yay!
Friday, March 13...two shows in one day...sort of:
On Friday Goodnight was going to play first at the Invisible Children benefit show at University High School with Down for the Count, THEN all the way out in Upland at the Wire. A little foresight told me that traffic would suck getting from Irvine to Upland, so I brought an extra FastTrack so GNSR could follow us on the Toll Road and we could get there as fast as possible. But first, the show. Oh, Laura and I got In-N-Out first. Yum. Anyways, the show was a little weird, but I think we got some good HD footage. Sound was eh, crowd was eh, but it was fun nonetheless. We got a lot of random shots of GNSR aside from Trophy and With You, and also filmed a song for D4TC that we may or may not edit based on how the audio turned out. Definitely spent entirely too much time hanging around after Goodnight played, and then at 8 or so they started running around like crazy packing things up. AH! Time to go to Upland! Go go!! We met them around the back to explain the FastTrack and confirm that they were actually going to try to make it to The Wire by like 10. Yep, they were going try. RUN back into the theater, say bye to Nate and Anthony faster than we've ever said bye to ANYONE. RUN some more to the car. So then we explained the Toll Roads in a little more detail and told them to just follow us. They were confused by our fancy freeways haha. At one point we were passed by a semi-truck. It was pretty funny. Ah there was a deceiving C Street in the town next to Upland which resulted in driving in a complete circle..twice actually because there was a round-about involved. Police Encounter #1: Traffic check just before Upland. Crazy bottleneck stressfulness knowing that they needed to be at the venue 5 minutes ago. We pulled up to the Wire as Bidwell was playing their 2nd or 3rd to last song. Jussttt barely made it. Crazy. We actually ended up staying outside the whole time because we didn't want to pay for 2 shows in one night and The Wire was being a butthead about guestlisting because of some problem with Bidwell's street team not selling enough tickets. Talked with Matty, Liam, Bryan a little, Siah a little, whoever else happened to be around. GNSR finished. We saw the inside of the Wire briefly just to use the bathroom. Back outside into the cold. Packing. Packing. Dan almost put GNSR equipment into Bidwell's trailer. More Packing. This may have been about the time we got the nickname Dolores. Not sure. Time for In-N-Out? RUN back around to the front of the venue. Beginning to notice that we were doing a lot of running.
Strangest In-N-Out EVER. It was really just a drive-thru. Laura and I weren't hungry and, uh, we'd just had In-N-Out a few hours earlier. No need to be excessive about it =P. Bidwell left right before us because we had to get directions back to the freeway from them, and as we were getting in the car these really creepy guys pulled up next to us, said God knows what, and needless to say we locked the doors and drove away. Quickly.
Saturday, March 14:
The drive to Epicentre was deceiving: 2 Reagan Streets... sound familiar? What the heck. I guess that street is a big circle. Story of my life. We did end up finding the right Reagan Street though, made it to the venue. Walked to a park. Rode the swings wheee! Walked to Taco Bell / Dell Taco / Some Mexican Fast Food Chain to use the bathroom. Saw Matty and Tim on the way. Saw GNSR driving as we walked back. Jud yelled something at us. Minor dilemma: there was a sign at the front of the venue that said no video cameras. Smuggled them in with GNSR's merch. Problem solved. Ew we had to listen to [dare I say their name?] The Jakes. Shudder... We distracted ourselves with pamphlets about STDs and other riveting information.
Sunday, March 15:
Monday, March 16:
Frantic essay writing. I wanted to get it donnneee so I could turn it in on Tuesday while I was on campus for a final. SUCCESS!
Tuesday, March 17:
Turned my paper in at 1. French final at 1:30 which I thought I bombed but my professor's grading style proved otherwise haha. On to Palm Sprinkles! This was our 6th trip out there since October. October 1st, to be exact. What a fateful day hah, it was pretty much the genesis of L&L. But back to March 17. Ahhh couldn't leave until after 4 because Laura had work, but with the 91 toll road we have found the best possible way to get out there late in the afternoon, and we made it in like an hour and a half. Miraculously. OT's merch was destroyed. Seriously we're gone for a week and it's in disarray. What the heck. So we had to get that under control. A couple of strange people stopped by to check out their t-shirts. The "Let's Make Out Together" shirt gets a lot of attention. Haha Tim wanted us to give him one. But we can't just GIVE stuff away. Sorry man.
The show was good, filmed, etc. etc. getting a little tired of writing because this is becoming entirely too long. Finalized plans for Disneylannndd =D. Kevin wanted to get to his party. He needed a ride from us, but we weren't ready to leave, and we're not going out of our way to endorse his...habits. Liam wants to hang out. He likes hanging out. Left around 11:30. Right on schedule. Home by 1 and found a hilarious video of GNSR and SD after what could only have been the most epic beer pong tournament in all of recorded history.
Disneyland tomorrow!
Wednesday, March 18:
Studying studying studying until about 2:30. Headed over to Laura's house where GNSR and Megan were meeting us so we could go to DLand in one car and they wouldn't have to worry about van/trailer. Disneyland was sooo much fun. Going with people who've never been / haven't been in like a decade and a half is the way to do it haha. Way more exciting that way. Rides:
California Screamin'
Towerrr of Terrror
Soarin Over California
California Screamin' [ohhhhhh noooooooo! Megan lost her camera! More running [because I hadn't done any of that since Friday night...clearly it was time for more]. Found it! SUCCESS!
Matterhorn--Dolores wedged in a car behind Mike. Squished haha.
Space Mountainn
Haunted Mansion--haha Nate on the floor after the guy falls from the ceiling. Wedged [again] in a doooom buggy with Jud.
Walking around Fantasy land as the park is closing. Searching for a shot glass... err, toothpick holder.
Long, exhausting. Awesome day. Ohhh no they were leaving soon =[
Thursday, March 19:

GNSR and Bidwell's last show together at CSUF. This was kind of a mellow day. Sad. Everyone was leaving. I miss them all.
BUT! I am currently packing for Colorado. Amanda and I started planning this trip when I was visiting her in September, thinking it would make for a fun Spring Break. Turns out I'll get to see GNSR again while I'm there =]
We were going to go see Down for the Count / Vogue at Epicentre tonight, but uh, this week has been crazy and we need some downtime I think. Oh, it also happened to be finals week. That was great timing.
Laura and I got together yesterday for an editing party. Trophy Girls turned out pretty insaneeee. I basically edited 3 times [from 3 different venues]. Combined them all. And wow HD makes me happy. It took about 5 hours.

Laura's benefit is tomorrow, should be interesting. We should definitely ditch it for Bidwell at the Glasshouse =P. Haven't been there since Anberlin in October. Such a legit place.
Now that I've written a novel, time to continue packing!!
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