We didn't think we'd make it out together in time for the show because Laura had work until 4. I got to her house around 4:15 ish and we left around 4:45. We decided to try a new route, taking the 55 to the 91 so we could get in the 91 toll road [which is blocked off if we take the 241 toll road]... and it worked perfectly!! We made it in about an hour and 45 minutes and got there just as the show was getting ready to start. No L&L videos this time, but a promo for Fusion that Kevin wanted us to put together for him...Laura did a really good job sifting through all the video we got with a fine-toothed comb and I think it turned out nicely =]
So I was pretty much starving to death while we were waiting for Kevin after the show. We had no clue really was going on so we didn't know what to do besides wait to hear what the plan was. Finally we went outside, sat around in the dirt on a rock for a while, then after meeting Heather and Jamie [p.s. everyone in Palm Springs seems to know us] we learned that In-N-Out was just one exit down off of the 10...needless to say we didn't wait around much longer. Probably about an hour later we decided we should probably call and tell Kevin where we were and find out where he was slash where we should go. He told us to meet at Tashas...and we kind of knew how to get there from In-N-Out.
Saturday..err morning:
A minor detour may have been involved but we ended up getting there before Kevin, Nathan, Cody and Kaitlin we waited in my car until they got there because uhh.. that would be awkward to just go into Tasha's house on our own haha. So then they got there, we went to the door, Tasha was surprised to see so many people [she thought it would just be Kevin and the Lauras and maybe Nate...] but she was fine with it.
Hung out in the huge kitchen with 5 million ovens for a while then Kevin, Nathan, Matty, Laura and I went downstairs because Tasha was worried everyone was being too loud. Ideally everyone else should have gone downstairs with us....didn't happen. Maybe Tim was there too...
Stories, Turkeys, etc...
Tim comes down the stairs and starts telling Matty that Nate poured beer on Bryan.
Then Tim went back upstairs
And came back down with Gemma... So Gemma and Matty start speaking yibish. wow. We had no clue what was going on AT ALL but it was funny nonetheless.
Then Siah comes in looking sneaky. I don't even really remember what he said...Bryan followed shortly after and everyone stared at him as he came in...he was looking equally sneaky.
We ended up outside standing at the bottom of the stairs. Everyone was trying to say things that would provoke Nate, who was upstairs talking to Kevin. Matty is the peacekeeper.
Idk some other stuff happened that I'm not remembering now...
We ended up back upstairs in the kitchen at some point with Matty and Nathan. Rosetta Stone and laundry.
Kevin put a hot pocket in the microwave then went back outside.
Nathan doesn't put his sandwiches together because he tricks himself into thinking he's eating more than he really is. Gross coke.
Kevin hadn't come back yet, so Matty started eating his hot pocket.
Kevin came back, reached for his hot pocket in the microwave, blamed Nathan for eating it. Sharing is caring.
Kevin ignorantly drank some of Matty's drink. Was disgusted.
Then we left.
Show at Ignition Saturday night. Hazel and Vine had to cancel because 2 of their members were in the hospital having their stomachs pumped from food poisoning at Chipotle [DONT EAT CHIPOTLE KIDS!]. Merch Masterpiece:

Wibow iba whibole libot mibore hibappibened thibis wibeekibend thibat ibi pribobibabliby shibould ibinclibude bibut thibis pibost ibis libong ibenibough ibas ibit ibis
peace out together girl scout.
oh I almost forgot! I rediscovered Once yesterday. I missed this music!
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